Chesapeake Chapter Meeting 18May2024 North Baltimore

Added to Calendar: 05-18-24


New member
Greetings, all.

Saturday, 18May, the Chesapeake Chapter is having a meeting at the new Woodcraft in Timonium, MD.

15 W. Aylesbury Road, Suite 700

Meeting "meet and greet" starts at 9am.
This is an atypical meeting. We are only meeting from 9 to noon due to limitations on our venue this time.

Several chapter members already have volunteered to talk about their work, but please, come!
Bring a project you're working on. Bring a project you completed. Bring a favorite "tip" to share with others.
Anybody who brings something to share will be put in raffle for a Woodcraft gift card.

I hope you will come out to get to meet your fellow makers and share some time together.
Create boldly, hope, and endure!

William Lohr
Chesapeake Chapter Lead